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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Zabrina American F A princess American
Zach American M God Remembers Hebrew
Zachariah American M God remembers Hebrew
Zachary American M God remembers Hebrew
Zack American M God remembers Hebrew
Zackary American M God remembers Hebrew
Zackery American M God remembers Hebrew
Zain American M God is Gracious English
Zaine American M God is Gracious English
Zak American M God Remembers Hebrew
Zakary American M God Remembers Hebrew
Zander American M Defender of mankind Greek
Zandra American F Defender of mankind Greek
Zane American M God is Gracious English
Zaria American F Blossom Arabic
Zavrina American F A princess American
Zayne American M God is Gracious English
Zeke American M Strength of God Hebrew
Zelma American F Comely German
Zina American F Welcoming Greek
Zion American M Sign Hebrew
Zoe American F Life Greek


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Yale American M Old English
Yardley American M From the enclosed meadow English
Yardly American M From the enclosed meadow English
Yasmin American F Sweet smelling Arabic
Yates American M Lives by the gates English
Yedda American F Beautiful voice Unknown
Yeoman American M Retainer English
Yetta American F Ruler of the household English
Yolanda American F Violet French
Yoman American M Retainer English
York American M Yew tree estate English
Yul American M Born at Christmas English
Yule American M Born at Christmas English
Yvette American F Yew French
Yvonne American F Archer French


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Xandra American F Defender of mankind Greek
Xavier American M Owner of a new home Basque


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Wacian American M Alert French
Wade American M River ford Old English
Wadley American M From Wade's meadow Old English
Wain American M Craftsman English
Wait American M Guard English
Waite American M Guard English
Wake American M Alert English
Walby American M From the Welshman's dwellings English
Walcot American M From the Welshman's cottage English
Walcott American M From the Welshman's cottage English
Walden American M Wooded valley English
Waldo American M God's power German
Waldon American M From the Welshman's hill English
Waldron American M From the Welshman's hill English
Waleis American F From Wales English
Walford American M From the Welshman's ford English
Walker American M To roll Old English
Wallace American M From Wales English
Wallace American F From Wales English
Waller American M Army ruler German
Wallis American M From Wales English
Wallis American F From Wales English
Walsh American M From Wales English
Walter American M Army ruler German
Walton American M From the Welshman's farm English
Wanetta American F Pale English
Wann American F Pale English
Wanrrick American M Fortress Unknown
Ward American M Watchman Old English
Warde American M Watchman Old English
Wardell American M Watchman Old English
Warden American M Watchman Old English
Wardley American M From the guardian's meadow English
Ware American M Cautious Old English
Warley American M From the weir meadow English
Warner American M Armed defender German
Warren American M A game preserve French
Warrick American M From the town by the weir English
Warton American M From the town by the weir English
Wartun American M From the town by the weir English
Washington American M From the town by the water English
Wat American M Hurdle Unknown
Watson American M Son of Walter English
Watt American M Hurdle Unknown
Wayde American M Road English
Waydell American M From the road by the meadow English
Waylan American M From the land by the road English
Wayland American M From the land by the road English
Waylin American M From the land by the road English
Waylon American M From the land by the road English
Wayne American M Wagon Old English
Webster American M Weaver English
Welby American M From the spring by the farm German
Welch American M From Wales English
Welcome American F Welcomed English
Weldon American M From the spring hill English
Welles American M Lives by the spring English
Wells American M Lives by the spring English
Welsh American M From Wales English
Welsie American F From the west English
Welss American F From the west English
Welton American M From the spring farm English
Wenda American F Light skinned Welsh
Wendale American M Traveler German
Wendall American M Traveler or wanderer German
Wendell American M Traveler or wanderer German
Wendi American F Light skinned Welsh
Wendy American F Light skinned Welsh
Wes American M West meadow Old English
Weslee American F Western meadow Old English
Wesley American M A clearing in the west Old English
Weslia American F Western meadow English
Wessley American M West meadow English
West American M West English
Westcot American M From the west cottage English
Westcott American M From the west cottage English
Westen American M West town English
Westin American M West town English
Westley American M From the west meadow English
Weston American M Town facing west Old English
Westun American M From the west English
Weyland American M From the land by the road English
Wheeler American M Wheel maker English
Whistler American M Piper English
Whitby American M From the white farm Old English
Whitley American F White meadow Old English
Whitney American F White island Old English
Whitney American M From the white haired man's estate Old English
Whittaker American M From the white field English
Wiatt American M Guide English
Wichell American M From the bend in the road English
Wilber American M Resolute English
Wilbert American M Resolute German
Wilbur American M Walled stronghold Old English
Wilburn American M Resolute English
Wilburt American M Resolute German
Wildon American M From the wooded hill English
Wiley American M Well watered meadow English
Wilford American M Willow tree ford English
Wilfred American M Resolute protector German
Wilfredo American M Resolute protector Spanish
Will American M Resolute protector English
Willa American F Resolute protector German
Willard American M Resolute protector German
William American M Resolute protector German
Willie American M Resolute protector German
Willis American M Son of William German
Willow American F Graceful or slender English
Willy American M Son of William German
Wilmer American M Resolute or famous German
Wilson American M Son of William English
Wilton American M From the farm by the spring English
Win American M Friendly English
Wincel American M From the bend in the road Old English
Windell American M Traveler or wanderer English
Windsor American M From the bend in the river English
Winn American M Friendly English
Winslow American M Friend's hill English
Winslowe American M Friend's hill English
Winsor American M From the bend in the river English
Winston American M From the friendly town Old English
Winter American M Born in the winter Old English
Winton American M From the friendly town English
Winward American M From the friends forest English
Winwood American M From the friends forest English
Witt American M Wise English
Witta American M Wise Unknown
Wolcott American M Cottage in the woods English
Wolf American M Wolf English
Wolfe American M Wolf English
Woodrow American M Passage in the wood Old English
Woodruff American M Forester English
Woodward American M Forester English
Woolcott American M Cottage in the woods English
Woolsey American M Victorious wolf English
Worcester American M From the alder forest army camp English
Worden American M Defender or guard English
Wordsworth American M Wolf guardian farm English
Worrell American M From the true man's manor English
Worth American M From the farm English
Worton American M From the farm town English
Wray American M Dweller by the nook English
Wulf American M Wolf English
Wyatt American M To lead English
WycIyf American M From the white cliff English
Wycliff American M From the white cliff English
Wylie American M Charming English
Wyman American M Warrior English
Wymer American M Famous in battle English
Wyndell American M Friend English
Wyne American M Friend English
Wynn American M Friend English
Wynne American F Fair or white Old English
Wynston American M From friend's farm English


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Valen American M Strong Latin
Valentine American M Healthy or strong Latin
Valeria American F To be strong Latin
Valerie American F To be strong Latin
Valiant American M Brave Latin
Vallen American M Strong Latin
Vance American M Marshland Old English
Vanessa American F Butterfly Greek
Vanity American F Vain English
Vannes American M Grain fans English
Vareck American M From the fortress German
Varek American M From the fortress German
Varik American M From the fortress German
Vaughn American M Small Welsh
Velma American F Resolute protector German
Velouette American F Soft French
Velvet American F Soft to the touch Latin
Venus American F Goddess of love and beauty Italian
Vera American F Faith or truth Slavic
Vern American M Youthful or springlike Latin
Verne American M Youthful or springlike Latin
Vernon American M Youthful or springlike Latin
Veronica American F One who brings victory or true image Latin
Victor American M Conqueror Latin
Victoria American F Victory Latin
Vidal American M Life Spanish
Videl American M Life Spanish
Vince American M Conquering Latin
Vincent American M Conquering Latin
Vingon American M Son of Vinn Latin
Vinn American M Conqueror Latin
Vinnie American M Conqueror Latin
Vinson American M Conqueror Latin
Vinsone American M Son of Vinn Latin
Violet American F Bluish purple Latin
Virgena American F Pure Latin
Virgil American M Staff bearer Latin
Virginia American F Pure Latin
Viveca American F Full of life Latin
Vivian American F Full of life, lively or alive French
Viviana American F Full of life, lively or alive French
Vivianna American F Full of life, lively or alive Latin
Vivianne American F Full of life, lively or alive Latin


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Udale American M From the yew tree valley English
Udall American M From the yew tree valley English
Udayle American M From the yew tree valley English
Udell American M From the yew tree valley English
Udolf American M Wealthy wolf English
Udolph American M Wealthy wolf German
Ulfred American M Wolf of peace German
Ulger American M Wolf spear German
Ullock American M Wolf sport German
Ullok American M Wolf sport German
Ulmar American M Wolf famous English
Ulmarr American M Wolf famous English
Ulysses American M Wrathful Greek
Una American F United Latin
Unique American F One of a kind Latin
Unity American F Harmonious Latin
Unwin American M Unfriendly English
Unwine American M Unfriendly English
Urban American M City dweller or from the city Latin
Uriah American M God is my light Hebrew
Uriel American M God is my light Hebrew
Ursula American F Little female bear Latin


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Tab American M Drummer English
Tabitha American F Gazelle Arabic
Tacy American F Silence Latin
Tad American M Courageous Greek
Tadd American M Courageous Greek
Tait American M Cheerful Old Norse
Tait American F Pleasant and bright Old English
Tal American M Dew or rain Hebrew
Talbert American M Bright valley German
Talbot American M Boot maker French
Talbott American M Boot maker French
Talford American M Tall Unknown
Talia American F Lamb Hebrew
Tallon American M Claw English
Talon American M Claw English
Tamara American F Palm tree Hebrew
Tami American F Twin English
Tammie American F Twin English
Tammy American F Twin English
Tamsin American F Twin English
Tamtun American M From the quiet river farm Unknown
Tangerina American F Reddish orange Unknown
Tangerine American F Reddish orange Unknown
Tania American F Fairy princess Russian
Tanner American M Leather tanner English
Tannere American M Leather maker English
Tanton American M From the quiet river farm English
Tanya American F Fairy princess Russian
Tara American F Hill Irish
Taralynn American F Hill Irish
Tarin American F High hill Irish
Tarleton American M From the thunder settlement English
Taron American M Earthman American
Tarrah American F Hill Irish
Tarrence American M Smooth Latin
Tarrin American M Earthman American
Tarynn American F High hill Irish
Tashia American F Born at Christmas Slavic
Tassa American F Born at Christmas Slavic
Tate American F Light hearted Old English
Tate American M Cheerful Old English
Tatiana American F Fairy princess Russian
Tatum American F Light hearted English
Taura American F Bull Latin
Taurina American F Bull Latin
Tawny American F Tan French
Taylan American M Tailor English
Tayler American M Tailor English
Taylon American M Tailor English
Taylor American M To cut French
Taylor American F To cut French
Tayson American M Son of the tailor English
Tayt American M Cheerful English
Tayte American M Cheerful English
Tayte American F Light hearted English
Teagan American F Beautiful Welsh
Teal American F Blue green Scandinavian
Tearle American M Stem English
Ted American M Gift of God English
Tedd American M Gift of God English
Teddi American F Gift of God English
Teddie American M Gift of God English
Teddy American M Gift of God English
Tedman American M Protector of the land Old English
Tedmond American M Protector of the land Old English
Tedmund American M Protector of the land Old English
Tedric American M Gift of God American
Tedrick American M Gift of God American
Teela American F Blue green English
Tegan American F Attractive Welsh
Teige American F Attractive Welsh
Tempest American F Turbulent or stormy French
Temple American F Medieval priories and settlements Old English
Terell American M Thunder ruler German
Terence American M Smooth Latin
Teri American F Harvester Greek
Teriana American F Harvester Greek
Teriann American F Harvester Greek
Terika American F Harvester Greek
Terilynn American F Harvester Greek
Terra American F From the earth Latin
Terrall American M Thunder ruler German
Terran American M Smooth Latin
Terrance American M Smooth Latin
Terrel American M Thunder ruler German
Terrell American M Thunder rulerl German
Terrelle American M Thunder ruler German
Terrence American M Smooth Latin
Terri American F Harvester Greek
Terrie American F Harvester Greek
Terrill American M Thunder ruler German
Terrin American M Harvester Latin
Terrin American F Harvester Latin
Terris American M Son of Terrell Latin
Terron American M Sovereign American
Terry American M Smooth Latin
Terry American F Harvester Greek
Terryn American F Harvester Greek
Terrys American M Son of Terrell Latin
Teryn American F Harvester Greek
Tess American F Harvester Greek
Tessa American F Harvester Greek
Tessia American F Harvester Greek
Tessie American F Harvester Greek
Teyen American M From the enclosure Unknown
Thacher American M Roofer English
Thacker American M Roofer English
Thackere American M Roofer English
Thain American M Knight's attendant English
Thane American M Knight's attendant Old English
Thatcher American M Roofer English
Thaw American M Thaw English
Thawain American M Thaw English
Thaxter American M Roofer English
Thayne American M Knight's attendant Old English
Thearl American M Stem Unknown
Theodore American M God's gift Latin
Theomund American M National protector Unknown
Theresa American F Harvester Greek
Theyn American M Knight's attendant Old English
Thom American M Twin Greek
Thomas American M Twin Greek
Thorley American M From Thor's meadow English
Thorn American M Town of thorns English
Thorne American M From the thorny tree English
Thornley American M From the thorny meadow English
Thornly American M From the thorny meadow English
Thornton American M Town of thorns English
Thorntun American M From the thorn tree farm English
Thorp American M From the village English
Thorpe American M From the village English
Thunder American M Stormy tempered Latin
Thurlow American M From Thor's hill English
Thurmond American M Thor's protection English
Thurstan American M Thor's stone English
Thurston American M Thor's stone English
Thurstun American M Thor's stone English
Tia American F Happiness Latin
Tiahna American F Fairy princess Greek
Tiane American F Fairy princess Greek
Tianna American F Fairy princess Greek
Tiauna American F Fairy princess Greek
Tiesha American F Joy Latin
Tiffanie American F Epiphany French
Tiffany American F Epiphany French
Tiffney American F Epiphany French
Tilden American M From the fertile valley English
Tilford American M From the fertile ford English
Tillman American M Virile English
Tilman American M Virile English
Tilton American M From the prosperous estate English
Tim American M One who honors God Greek
Timmy American M One who honors God Greek
Timon American M Honorable Greek
Timothy American M One who honors God Greek
Tina American F A follower of Christ Greek
Tionna American F Fairy princess Greek
Tirell American M Thunder ruler Scandinavian
Tisha American F Aristocrat Latin
Titus American M To honor Latin
Tobey American M TheLord is good Hebrew
Tobiah American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Tobias American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Tobie American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Tobin American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Toby American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Tobyn American M The Lord is good Hebrew
Tod American M Fox Old English
Todd American M Fox Old English
Toft American M From the small farm English
Toland American M Owns taxed land Old English
Tolland American M Owns taxed land English
Tolman American M Collects taxes English
Tom American M Twin English
Tomasina American F Twin Hebrew
Tomkin American M Little Tom English
Tomlin American M Little twin English
Tommie American F Twin English
Tommy American M Twin English
Toni American F Invaluable Latin
Tonia American F Flourishing Greek
Tonisha American F Flourishing Greek
Tony American F Flourishing Greek
Tony American M Worthy of praise Latin
Topaz American F Brownish yellow Greek
Torey American M Watch tower Old English
Tori American F Triumphant Old English
Toriana American F Triumphant Old English
Torley American M From Thor's meadow English
Torn American M From the thorny tree English
Torr American M Watch tower English
Torrey American M Watch tower English
Torrey American F Triumphant Old English
Torrie American F Triumphant Old English
Tory American F Victory Old English
Tory American M Watchtower Old English
Tosha American F Born at Christmas Greek
Townsend American M From the end of the town English
Trace American M Fighter Irish
Tracee American F Warrior Latin
Traci American F Warrior Latin
Tracy American F Warrior Latin
Tracy American M Fighter Irish
Traveon American M Fair town Unknown
Travion American M Fair town Unknown
Travis American M To cross the river French
Travon American M Fair town Unknown
Trent American M Gushing Waters Latin
Trenten American M Refers to the English river Trent English
Trentin American M Refers to the English river Trent English
Trenton American M Trent's town Old English
Trevan American M Fair town Unknown
Treven American M Fair town Unknown
Trevian American M Fair town Unknown
Trevion American M Fair town Unknown
Trevon American M Fair town Unknown
Trevonn American M Fair town Unknown
Trevor American M Prudent Irish
Trevyn American M Fair town Unknown
Trey American M Three Old English
Tricia American F An aristocrat Latin
Trinity American F Triad Latin
Trip American M Traveler English
Tripp American M Traveler English
Trisa American F Noble Latin
Trish American F Noble Latin
Trisha American F Noble Latin
Trista American F Bold Welsh
Tristan American M Bold Welsh
Tristen American M Bold Welsh
Tristen American F Bold Welsh
Tristian American M Bold Welsh
Tristin American M Bold Welsh
Tristina American F Bold Welsh
Trixie American F Brings joy American
Troi American M Soldier Irish
Troy American M Foot soldier Irish
Troye American M Foot soldier Irish
Truman American M Loyal English
Trumen American M Loyal English
Tryp American M Traveler English
Trypp American M Traveler English
Tucker American M Garment maker Old English
Tuesday American F Third day of the month Old English
Tupper American M Ram herder English
Tuppere American M Ram herder English
Turner American M Lathe worker Latin
Twain American M Cut in two English
Twein American M Cut in two English
Twyla American F Woven English
Ty American M Tile maker English
Tyce American M Fiery French
Tye American M From the enclosure English
Tyeson American M Fiery French
Tyesone American M Fiery French
Tyler American M Tile maker French
Tyler American F Tile maker French
Tylere American M Tile maker French
Tylor American M Tile maker French
Tyna American F River Unknown
Tyne American F A river in England Old English
Tyra American F Thor's battle Scandinavian
Tyree American M Island dweller Scottish
Tyreece American M Thunder ruler Scandinavian
Tyrel American M Thunder ruler Scandinavian
Tyrell American M Thunder ruler Scandinavian
Tyrelle American M Thunder ruler Scandinavian
Tyrone American M A county in northern Ireland Irish
Tyrus American M Thunder ruler English
Tyson American M Firebrand French