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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Sabrina American F From the border Latin
Sadie American F Princess Hebrew
Saeger American M Seaman Unknown
Saelig American M From the happy meadow Unknown
Saewald American M Sea powerful Unknown
Safford American M From the willow ford English
Sagar American M Wise one Unknown
Sage American M Wise Latin
Sage American F Wise Latin
Sahara American F Desert Arabic
Sally American F Princess English
Salma American F Safe Arabic
Salton American M Lives near the willow farm English
Salvador American M Savior Spanish
Sam American M Asked of God Hebrew
Samantha American F Told by God Hebrew
Sammy American M Asked of God Hebrew
Samuel American M His name is God Hebrew
Sanborn American M From the sandy brook English
Sanbourne American M From the sandy brook English
Sander American M Defender of mankind English
Sanderson American M Alexander's son English
Sandon American M From the sandy hill English
Sandra American F Defender of mankind Greek
Sandy American M Defender of mankind Scottish
Sanersone American M Alexander's son English
Sanford American M From the sandy ford English
Santiago American M Supplanter Spanish
Santon American M From the sandy town English
Sarah American F Princess Hebrew
Sasha American F Defender of mankind Russian
Saul American M Asked of God Hebrew
Saunders American M Alexander's son English
Savannah American F A treeless place Spanish
Sawyer American M Wood cutter English
Sawyere American M Wood cutter English
Sawyers American M Son of Sawyer English
Saxan American M Sword English
Saxon American M Sword English
Saxona American F A Saxon English
Saxonia American F A Saxon English
Scandy American M Boisterous Unknown
Scarlet American F Bright red English
Scarlett American F Bright red English
Sceley American M From the happy meadow Unknown
Scot American M From Scotland Old English
Scott American M From Scotland Old English
Scottas American M From Scotland Old English
Scottie American M From Scotland Old English
Scotty American M From Scotland Old English
Scout American F To observe or spy Unknown
Seabert American M Glory at sea English
Seaburt American M Glory at sea English
Seadon American M From the hill by the sea English
Seager American M Seaman English
Sealey American M From the happy meadow English
Sean American M God is gracious Irish
Seaton American M From the town by the sea English
Seaward American M Sea guardian English
Sebastian American M Venerable Latin
Sebert American M Glory at sea English
Sedge American M Swordsman English
Seely American M Blessed English
Seeton American M From the town by the sea English
Sefton American M Village of rushes English
Segar American M Sea warrior English
Seger American M Sea warrior English
Selby American M Village the manor house English
Selden American M From the willow valley English
Seldon American M From the willow valley English
Seleby American M From the manor house English
Selena American F Moon Greek
Selig American M Blessed German
Selvyn American M Greek god of trees Greek
Selwin American M Good friend English
Selwine American M Good friend English
Selwyn American M Good friend English
Serena American F Calm or peaceful Latin
Serenity American F Tranquillity Latin
Sergio American M Attendant Italian
Seth American M Appointed Hebrew
Seton American M From the farm by the sea English
Severin American M Severe French
Severn American M Severe English
Severne American M Severe French
Sewald American M Sea powerful Old English
Sewall American M Sea powerful Old English
Seward American M Sea guardian Old English
Sewell American M Sea powerful Old English
Seymour American M Prayer French
Shad American M Short form of the biblical Shadrach Hebrew
Shadd American M Short form of the biblical Shadrach Hebrew
Shaddoc American M Shad fish Unknown
Shadwell American M From the shed spring English
Shaina American F God is gracious Hebrew
Shane American M God is gracious Irish
Shania American F God is gracious Gaelic
Shanna American F A lily Hebrew
Shannon American F Small and wise Irish
Sharlene American F Little and womanly French
Sharon American F Desert plain Hebrew
Shauna American F God is gracious Irish
Shaw American M From the shady grove English
Shawn American M God is gracious Irish
Shay American M Supplanter Irish
Shayleen American F Supplanter Irish
Shayna American F God is gracious Irish
Shea American F Fairy palace Irish
Sheffield American M From the crooked field English
Sheila American F Blind Irish
Shelby American F The place where willows grow English
Shelby American M Village on the ledge English
Shelden American M Farm on the ledge English
Sheldon American M Farm on the ledge Old English
Shelley American M From the ledge meadow English
Shelley American F From the ledge meadow English
Shelly American F From the ledge meadow English
Shelton American M From the town on a ledge English
Shepard American M Shepherd English
Shepherd American M Shepherd English
Sheridan American M Wild Irish
Sheridan American F Peaceful Irish
Sherlock American M Blond English
Sherman American M Shearman English
Shermon American M Shearman English
Sherri American F From the white meadow French
Sherry American F Darling French
Sherwin American M Swift English
Sherwood American M From the bright forest English
Sherwyn American M Swift English
Shipley American M From the sheep meadow English
Shipton American M From the sheep town English
Shirley American F Shining meadow Old English
Shoshannah American F Lily Hebrew
Sid American M From St. Denis French
Siddell American M From the wide valley English
Sidell American M From the wide valley English
Sidney American M From St. Denis French
Sidwell American M From the broad well English
Sienna American F Reddish brown Italian
Sierra American F Mountain Spanish
Silas American M From the forest or woods Latin
Silver American F Lustrous Old English
Silvester American M Forest dweller Latin
Simeon American M God is heard French
Simon American M God is heard Hebrew
Simone American F Heard Hebrew
Sinclair American M Prayer French
Sinclaire American M Prayer French
Sinjin American M Holyman English
Skeat American M Swift English
Skeet American M Swift English
Skipper American M Captain Scandinavian
Skippere American M Captain Scandinavian
Skipton American M From the sheep estate Unknown
Skye American M The isle of Skye Scottish
Skye American F The isle of Skye Scottish
Skylar American M The isle of Skye Scottish
Skyler American M The isle of Skye Scottish
Skylor American M The isle of Skye Scottish
Slade American M From the valley English
Slaton American M From the valley farm English
Slayton American M From the valley farm English
Smith American M Tradesman English
Smyth American M Tradesman English
Smythe American M Tradesman English
Solomon American M Peaceful Hebrew
Solyn American F Solemn American
Sonnie American M Son English
Sonny American M A young boy English
Sonya American F Wisdom or skill Russian
Sophia American F Wisdom Greek
Soren American M Stern or strict Scandinavian
Spark American M Gallant English
Sparke American M Gallant English
Spear American M Spear English
Sped American M Success English
Speed American M Success English
Spelding American M From the split meadow English
Spence American M Dispenser English
Spencer American M Dispenser of provisions Old English
Spenser American M Dispenser English
Spere American M Spear English
Spring American F Springtime English
Sproul American M Energetic English
Sproule American M Energetic English
Sprowle American M Energetic English
Squier American M Shieldbearer English
Squire American M Shieldbearer English
Stacey American M Productive English
Stacy American M Productive English
Stacy American F Resurrection Russian
Stafford American M From the landing ford English
Stamford American M From the stony ford English
Stan American M Lives by the stony meadow English
Standish American M From the stony park English
Stanfeld American M From the stony field English
Stanfield American M From the stony field English
Stanford American M Stony meadow English
Stanhop American M From the stony hollow English
Stanhope American M From the stony hollow English
Stanley American M Lives by the stony meadow Old English
Stanly American M Lives by the stony meadow Old English
Stanton American M Stony meadow English
Stantun American M From the stony farm English
Stanway American M Lives by the stony road English
Stanweg American M Lives by the stony road English
Stanwic American M From the stony village English
Stanwick American M From the stony village English
Stanwik American M From the stony village English
Stanwyk American M From the stony village English
Star American F Star Latin
Starbuck American M Star deer English
Starr American F Star Latin
Stearn American M Austere English
Steathford American M From the landing ford English
Stedeman American M Owner of the farmstead English
Stedman American M Owner of the farmstead English
Steele American M Hard or durable English
Stefan American M Crowned or crown of laurels Hebrew
Stefford American M Crown or wreath English
Stefon American M Crowned or crown of laurels German
Stella American F Star Latin
Stephanie American F A crown of garland French
Stephen American M To wear a crown Greek
Stephenson American M Crown or wreath Latin
Stephon American M Crown or wreath German
Sterling American M Of high quality or pure Old English
Sterne American M Austere English
Stevan American M Crown or wreath Latin
Steve American M Crown or wreath Latin
Steven American M Crown or wreath Latin
Stevenson American M Crown or wreath Latin
Stevie American M Crown or wreath Latin
Stevon American M Crown or wreath Latin
Stevyn American M Crown or wreath Latin
Steward American M Steward Old English
Stewart American M Steward Old English
Stewert American M Steward Old English
Stiles American M Stairs English
Stirling American M Of high quality or pure English
Stoc American M From the tree stump Old English
Stock American M From the tree stump Old English
Stockard American F Hardy tree Old English
Stockhard American F Hardy tree Old English
Stockhart American F Hardy tree Old English
Stockley American M From the tree stump meadow Old English
Stockwell American M From the tree stump spring Old English
Stokkard American F Hardy tree Old English
Stone American M Stone Old English
Stoney American M Stone Old English
Storm American M Tempestuous English
Storm American F Tempestuous English
Storme American M Tempestuous English
Stormie American F Tempestuous English
Stormy American F Tempestuous English
Strong American M Powerful English
Stroud American M From the thicket English
Stuart American M Steward Old English
Styles American M Stairs English
Sue American F Lily Latin
Sueanne American F Lily Latin
Suellen American F Lily Latin
Sully American M Dark eyes Irish
Suma American F Born during the summer Latin
Summer American F The warmest season of the year Old English
Sumner American M Summoner English
Sunny American F Bright or cheerful English
Suri American F Pointy Nose India
Susan American F Lily Hebrew
Susie American F Lily American
Susy American F Lily American
SutcIyf American M From the south cliff English
Sutcliff American M From the south cliff English
Suthclif American M From the south cliff English
Suthfeld American M From the south field English
Suttecliff American M From the south cliff English
Sutton American M From the south farm English
Suzanna American F Lily Latin
Suzy American F Lily American
Swain American M Knight's attendant English
Swayn American M Knight's attendant English
Swinton American M From the swine farm English
Swintun American M From the swine farm English
Syd American M From St. Denys French
Sydney American M Wide meadow French
Sydney American F Wide meadow French
Sylvana American F Of the woods Latin
Sylvester American M Forest dweller Latin
Sylvia American F Of the woods Latin
Sylvie American F Of the woods Latin
Sylvina American F Of the woods Latin
Sylvonna American F Of the woods Latin
Symon American M Hear or listen Greek

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