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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Wacian American M Alert French
Wade American M River ford Old English
Wadley American M From Wade's meadow Old English
Wain American M Craftsman English
Wait American M Guard English
Waite American M Guard English
Wake American M Alert English
Walby American M From the Welshman's dwellings English
Walcot American M From the Welshman's cottage English
Walcott American M From the Welshman's cottage English
Walden American M Wooded valley English
Waldo American M God's power German
Waldon American M From the Welshman's hill English
Waldron American M From the Welshman's hill English
Waleis American F From Wales English
Walford American M From the Welshman's ford English
Walker American M To roll Old English
Wallace American M From Wales English
Wallace American F From Wales English
Waller American M Army ruler German
Wallis American M From Wales English
Wallis American F From Wales English
Walsh American M From Wales English
Walter American M Army ruler German
Walton American M From the Welshman's farm English
Wanetta American F Pale English
Wann American F Pale English
Wanrrick American M Fortress Unknown
Ward American M Watchman Old English
Warde American M Watchman Old English
Wardell American M Watchman Old English
Warden American M Watchman Old English
Wardley American M From the guardian's meadow English
Ware American M Cautious Old English
Warley American M From the weir meadow English
Warner American M Armed defender German
Warren American M A game preserve French
Warrick American M From the town by the weir English
Warton American M From the town by the weir English
Wartun American M From the town by the weir English
Washington American M From the town by the water English
Wat American M Hurdle Unknown
Watson American M Son of Walter English
Watt American M Hurdle Unknown
Wayde American M Road English
Waydell American M From the road by the meadow English
Waylan American M From the land by the road English
Wayland American M From the land by the road English
Waylin American M From the land by the road English
Waylon American M From the land by the road English
Wayne American M Wagon Old English
Webster American M Weaver English
Welby American M From the spring by the farm German
Welch American M From Wales English
Welcome American F Welcomed English
Weldon American M From the spring hill English
Welles American M Lives by the spring English
Wells American M Lives by the spring English
Welsh American M From Wales English
Welsie American F From the west English
Welss American F From the west English
Welton American M From the spring farm English
Wenda American F Light skinned Welsh
Wendale American M Traveler German
Wendall American M Traveler or wanderer German
Wendell American M Traveler or wanderer German
Wendi American F Light skinned Welsh
Wendy American F Light skinned Welsh
Wes American M West meadow Old English
Weslee American F Western meadow Old English
Wesley American M A clearing in the west Old English
Weslia American F Western meadow English
Wessley American M West meadow English
West American M West English
Westcot American M From the west cottage English
Westcott American M From the west cottage English
Westen American M West town English
Westin American M West town English
Westley American M From the west meadow English
Weston American M Town facing west Old English
Westun American M From the west English
Weyland American M From the land by the road English
Wheeler American M Wheel maker English
Whistler American M Piper English
Whitby American M From the white farm Old English
Whitley American F White meadow Old English
Whitney American F White island Old English
Whitney American M From the white haired man's estate Old English
Whittaker American M From the white field English
Wiatt American M Guide English
Wichell American M From the bend in the road English
Wilber American M Resolute English
Wilbert American M Resolute German
Wilbur American M Walled stronghold Old English
Wilburn American M Resolute English
Wilburt American M Resolute German
Wildon American M From the wooded hill English
Wiley American M Well watered meadow English
Wilford American M Willow tree ford English
Wilfred American M Resolute protector German
Wilfredo American M Resolute protector Spanish
Will American M Resolute protector English
Willa American F Resolute protector German
Willard American M Resolute protector German
William American M Resolute protector German
Willie American M Resolute protector German
Willis American M Son of William German
Willow American F Graceful or slender English
Willy American M Son of William German
Wilmer American M Resolute or famous German
Wilson American M Son of William English
Wilton American M From the farm by the spring English
Win American M Friendly English
Wincel American M From the bend in the road Old English
Windell American M Traveler or wanderer English
Windsor American M From the bend in the river English
Winn American M Friendly English
Winslow American M Friend's hill English
Winslowe American M Friend's hill English
Winsor American M From the bend in the river English
Winston American M From the friendly town Old English
Winter American M Born in the winter Old English
Winton American M From the friendly town English
Winward American M From the friends forest English
Winwood American M From the friends forest English
Witt American M Wise English
Witta American M Wise Unknown
Wolcott American M Cottage in the woods English
Wolf American M Wolf English
Wolfe American M Wolf English
Woodrow American M Passage in the wood Old English
Woodruff American M Forester English
Woodward American M Forester English
Woolcott American M Cottage in the woods English
Woolsey American M Victorious wolf English
Worcester American M From the alder forest army camp English
Worden American M Defender or guard English
Wordsworth American M Wolf guardian farm English
Worrell American M From the true man's manor English
Worth American M From the farm English
Worton American M From the farm town English
Wray American M Dweller by the nook English
Wulf American M Wolf English
Wyatt American M To lead English
WycIyf American M From the white cliff English
Wycliff American M From the white cliff English
Wylie American M Charming English
Wyman American M Warrior English
Wymer American M Famous in battle English
Wyndell American M Friend English
Wyne American M Friend English
Wynn American M Friend English
Wynne American F Fair or white Old English
Wynston American M From friend's farm English

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