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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Ra American F Doe Unknown
Rachel American F Innocence of a lamb Hebrew
Rachell American F Innocence of a lamb Hebrew
Rad American M Advisor English
Radbourne American M Lives by the red stream English
Radburn American M Lives by the red stream English
Radburt American M Red haired counselor English
Radbyrne American M Lives by the red stream English
Radcliff American M From the red cliff English
Radclyf American M From the red cliff English
Radella American F Elfin counselor German
Radford American M From the red ford English
Radley American M From the red meadow English
Radmund American M Red haired defender Unknown
Radnor American M From the red shore English
Radolf American M Red wolf Unknown
Radolph American M Red wolf Unknown
Rae American F Doe English
Rafael American M God has healed Hebrew
Rafe American M Wolf counseller Scandinavian
Raff American M Red wolf English
Ragnar American M Strong counselor Norwegian
Rain American F Wise councel Latin
Raleich American M Deer meadow German
Raleigh American M Deer meadow English
Raley American M Deer meadow English
Ralf American M Red wolf Scandinavian
Rally American M Deer meadow English
Ralph American M Wolf counseller Scandinavian
Ralston American M Ralph's town English
Ram American M Male sheep English
Ramiro American M Judicious Spanish
Ramm American M Male sheep English
Ramon American M Wisely Spanish
Ramona American F Wise protector Spanish
Ramsay American M Ram's island Old English
Ramsden American M From the ram's valley Old English
Ramsey American M Ram's island Old English
Ramzey American M Ram's island Old English
Ramzi American M Ram's island Old English
Rand American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randal American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randale American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randall American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randel American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randell American M Wolf's shield Old English
Randkin American M Little shield English
Randolph American M Wolf's shield English
Randon American M Wolf's shield English
Randson American M Son of Rand English
Randy American M Wolf's shield English
Rane American M Strong counselor English
Ranell American M Strong counselor English
Ranfield American M From the raven's field English
Rang American M Raven English
Rangey American M From raven's island English
Rangford American M From the raven's ford English
Rangley American M From the raven's meadow English
Rangy American M From raven's island English
Rankin American M Little shield English
Ransom American M Son of Rand English
Raquel American F Innocence of a lamb Latin
Rashad American M Good judgment Arabic
Raul American M Wolf counseller French
Raven American M Raven Old English
Raven American F Blackbird Old English
Ravyn American F Blackbird Old English
Rawley American M Deer meadow English
Ray American M Regal French
Rayce American M Counselor Unknown
Rayder American M Counselor Unknown
Raydon American M Counselor Unknown
Rayford American M Counselor English
Rayhurn American M From the deer's stream English
Raylen American M Counselor English
Raymond American M Wise protector English
Rayne American M Strong counselor English
Raynell American M Counselor English
Rayner American M Powerful army Scandinavian
Raynor American M Powerful army Scandinavian
Raynord American M Powerful army Scandinavian
Read American M Red haired English
Reade American M Redheaded Scottish
Reading American M Son of Reed English
Readman American M Red haired counselor English
Reagan American F Little king Irish
Reave American M Steward English
Reaves American M Son of Reeve English
Reba American F Fourth Hebrew
Rebecca American F Bound Hebrew
Redd American M Redheaded Old English
Redding American M Son of Reed English
Redford American M From the red ford English
Redley American M From the red meadow English
Redman American M Red haired counselor English
Redmond American M Red haired defender German
Redmund American M Red haired defender German
Redwald American M Strong counsel Unknown
Reece American M Enthusiastic Welsh
Reed American M Redheaded English
Reeford American M The medieval castle Unknown
Reese American M Ardor Welsh
Reeve American M Steward English
Reeves American M Son of Reeve English
Regan American F Little ruler Irish
Reggie American M Powerful ruler English
Regina American F Queen Latin
Reginald American M Powerful ruler English
Reid American M Red hair or a ruddy complexion Scottish
Remi American M From the raven farm English
Remington American M From the raven farm English
Remo American M From the raven farm English
Remy American M From the raven farm English
Ren American M Raven English
Rendall American M Wolf's shield English
Rendell American M Wolf's shield English
Rene American M Reborn French
Renee American F Reborn French
Renfield American M From the raven's field English
Renfred American M Peaceful raven English
Renfrid American M Peaceful raven English
Renshaw American M From the raven forest English
Renton American M From the raven town English
Reve American M Steward English
Rexford American M King's ford English
Rexley American M From the king's meadow English
Rexlord American M From the king's ford English
Rexton American M King's town English
Reyhurn American M From the deer's stream English
Reynald American M King's advisor English
Reynold American M King's advisor English
Rheanna American F Great queen Welsh
Rhodes American M Garden of roses Greek
Rhonda American F Rough island Scandinavian
Ricarda American F Strong ruler Spanish
Ricardo American M Rich and powerful ruler Spanish
Rich American M Rich and powerful ruler English
Richard American M Rich and powerful ruler English
Richelle American F Brave ruler English
Richman American M Powerful English
Rick American M Rich and powerful ruler English
Rickard American M Rich and powerful ruler Scandinavian
Ricker American M Strong army English
Rickey American M Rich and powerful ruler English
Rickie American M Rich and powerful ruler English
Rickman American M Powerful English
Rickward American M Strong guardian English
Ricky American M Powerful ruler German
Ricman American M Powerful English
Rider American M Knight English
Ridere American M Knight English
Ridge American M From the ridge English
Ridgely American M Lives at the meadow's ridge English
Ridley American M From the red meadow English
Rigby American M Lives in the ruler's valley English
Rigg American M Lives near the ridge English
Riggs American M Son of Rigg English
Rikkard American M Rich and powerful ruler Scandinavian
Rikward American M Strong guardian English
Riley American M Dweller by the rye field Old English
Rilletta American F Stream German
Rillette American F Stream German
Ring American M Ring English
Ripley American M Meadow near the river English
Risley American M From the brushwood meadow English
Riston American M From the brushwood town English
River American M Flowing water French
Roan American M From the rowan tree English
Rob American M Bright with fame English
Robb American M Bright with fame English
Robbie American M Bright with fame English
Robbin American M Bright with fame English
Robby American M Bright with fame English
Robert American M Bright with fame English
Roberta American F Bright fame Old English
Robertia American F Bright fame English
Roberto American M Bright with fame Spanish
Robertson American M Bright with fame English
Robin American M Bright fame English
Robin American F Bright fame English
Rock American M Rock English
Rockford American M Dweller by the rocky ford English
Rockland American M Dweller by the rocky land English
Rockwell American M Dweller by the rocky spring English
Rocky American M Dweller by the rock English
Rod American M Famous ruler English
Rodd American M Famous ruler English
Roddric American M Famous ruler German
Roddrick American M Famous ruler German
Roddy American M Famous ruler English
Roderic American M Famous ruler German
Roderick American M Famous ruler German
Roderik American M Famous ruler German
Rodes American M Garden of roses Greek
Rodman American M Lives by the road English
Rodney American M Island clearing English
Rodolfo American M Famous wolf Spanish
Rodrigo American M Famous ruler Spanish
Rodwell American M Lives by the spring near the road English
Roe American M Deer English
Rogelio American M Famous warrior Spanish
Roger American M Famous warrior German
Roland American M Famous in the land German
Rolando American M Famous land Spanish
Rolf American M Wolf councel German
Rolfe American M Wolf councel German
Rollan American M Famous in the land German
Rolland American M Famous in the land German
Rollie American M Famous in the land German
Rollo American M Famous in the land German
Romeo American M Pilgram to Rome Italian
Romney American M Winding river Welsh
Ron American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronal American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronald American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronell American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronn American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronnell American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronnell American F Ruler of judgment Welsh
Ronnie American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronny American M Rules with good judgment Scottish
Ronson American M Son of Ronald Scottish
Rook American M Raven English
Roper American M Maker of rope English
Rosa American F Rose Spanish
Rosco American M Deer forest Scandinavian
Roscoe American M Deer forest Scandinavian
Rose American F Flower Latin
Roseanne American F Flower English
Rosemary American F Bitter rose English
Ross American M Red haired French
Rover American M Wanderer English
Rovere American M Wanderer English
Row American M Red haired English
Rowan American M From the rowan tree English
Rowdy American M Boisterous English
Rowell American M From the deer spring English
Rowland American M Famous in the land German
Rowley American M From the rough meadow English
Roxane American F Dawn of day Greek
Roxbury American M From the raven's fortress English
Roy American M King French
Royce American M Kingly French
Royden American M From the rye hill English
Royse American M Royal English
Ruben American M Behold or a son Hebrew
Ruby American F Reddish Latin
Rudd American M Ruddy colored English
Ruddy American M Ruddy colored English
Rudy American M Famous wolf English
Rudyard American M From the red enclosure English
Rufford American M From the red ford English
Ruford American M From the red ford English
Rugby American M From the raven's forest English
Rumford American M From the wide ford English
Rune American M Secret German
Rush American M Red haired French
Rushford American M Lives near the rush ford English
Russ American M Red haired French
Russel American M Red haired French
Russell American M Red haired French
Rusty American M Red haired French
Ruth American F Companion Hebrew
Rutherford American M From the cattle ford English
Rutledge American M From the red pool English
Rutley American M From the red meadow English
Ryan American M Little king Irish
Rycroft American M From the rye field English
Ryder American M Knight English
Rydge American M From the ridge English
Rye American M Island meadow English
Rylan American M Island meadow Irish
Ryland American M Island meadow Irish
Ryleigh American M Island meadow Irish
Ryley American M Island meadow Irish
Ryman American M Rye merchant English
Ryton American M From the rye farm English

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