Name | Category | Gender | Meaning | Origin |
Ra | American | F | Doe | Unknown |
Rachel | American | F | Innocence of a lamb | Hebrew |
Rachell | American | F | Innocence of a lamb | Hebrew |
Rad | American | M | Advisor | English |
Radbourne | American | M | Lives by the red stream | English |
Radburn | American | M | Lives by the red stream | English |
Radburt | American | M | Red haired counselor | English |
Radbyrne | American | M | Lives by the red stream | English |
Radcliff | American | M | From the red cliff | English |
Radclyf | American | M | From the red cliff | English |
Radella | American | F | Elfin counselor | German |
Radford | American | M | From the red ford | English |
Radley | American | M | From the red meadow | English |
Radmund | American | M | Red haired defender | Unknown |
Radnor | American | M | From the red shore | English |
Radolf | American | M | Red wolf | Unknown |
Radolph | American | M | Red wolf | Unknown |
Rae | American | F | Doe | English |
Rafael | American | M | God has healed | Hebrew |
Rafe | American | M | Wolf counseller | Scandinavian |
Raff | American | M | Red wolf | English |
Ragnar | American | M | Strong counselor | Norwegian |
Rain | American | F | Wise councel | Latin |
Raleich | American | M | Deer meadow | German |
Raleigh | American | M | Deer meadow | English |
Raley | American | M | Deer meadow | English |
Ralf | American | M | Red wolf | Scandinavian |
Rally | American | M | Deer meadow | English |
Ralph | American | M | Wolf counseller | Scandinavian |
Ralston | American | M | Ralph's town | English |
Ram | American | M | Male sheep | English |
Ramiro | American | M | Judicious | Spanish |
Ramm | American | M | Male sheep | English |
Ramon | American | M | Wisely | Spanish |
Ramona | American | F | Wise protector | Spanish |
Ramsay | American | M | Ram's island | Old English |
Ramsden | American | M | From the ram's valley | Old English |
Ramsey | American | M | Ram's island | Old English |
Ramzey | American | M | Ram's island | Old English |
Ramzi | American | M | Ram's island | Old English |
Rand | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randal | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randale | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randall | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randel | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randell | American | M | Wolf's shield | Old English |
Randkin | American | M | Little shield | English |
Randolph | American | M | Wolf's shield | English |
Randon | American | M | Wolf's shield | English |
Randson | American | M | Son of Rand | English |
Randy | American | M | Wolf's shield | English |
Rane | American | M | Strong counselor | English |
Ranell | American | M | Strong counselor | English |
Ranfield | American | M | From the raven's field | English |
Rang | American | M | Raven | English |
Rangey | American | M | From raven's island | English |
Rangford | American | M | From the raven's ford | English |
Rangley | American | M | From the raven's meadow | English |
Rangy | American | M | From raven's island | English |
Rankin | American | M | Little shield | English |
Ransom | American | M | Son of Rand | English |
Raquel | American | F | Innocence of a lamb | Latin |
Rashad | American | M | Good judgment | Arabic |
Raul | American | M | Wolf counseller | French |
Raven | American | M | Raven | Old English |
Raven | American | F | Blackbird | Old English |
Ravyn | American | F | Blackbird | Old English |
Rawley | American | M | Deer meadow | English |
Ray | American | M | Regal | French |
Rayce | American | M | Counselor | Unknown |
Rayder | American | M | Counselor | Unknown |
Raydon | American | M | Counselor | Unknown |
Rayford | American | M | Counselor | English |
Rayhurn | American | M | From the deer's stream | English |
Raylen | American | M | Counselor | English |
Raymond | American | M | Wise protector | English |
Rayne | American | M | Strong counselor | English |
Raynell | American | M | Counselor | English |
Rayner | American | M | Powerful army | Scandinavian |
Raynor | American | M | Powerful army | Scandinavian |
Raynord | American | M | Powerful army | Scandinavian |
Read | American | M | Red haired | English |
Reade | American | M | Redheaded | Scottish |
Reading | American | M | Son of Reed | English |
Readman | American | M | Red haired counselor | English |
Reagan | American | F | Little king | Irish |
Reave | American | M | Steward | English |
Reaves | American | M | Son of Reeve | English |
Reba | American | F | Fourth | Hebrew |
Rebecca | American | F | Bound | Hebrew |
Redd | American | M | Redheaded | Old English |
Redding | American | M | Son of Reed | English |
Redford | American | M | From the red ford | English |
Redley | American | M | From the red meadow | English |
Redman | American | M | Red haired counselor | English |
Redmond | American | M | Red haired defender | German |
Redmund | American | M | Red haired defender | German |
Redwald | American | M | Strong counsel | Unknown |
Reece | American | M | Enthusiastic | Welsh |
Reed | American | M | Redheaded | English |
Reeford | American | M | The medieval castle | Unknown |
Reese | American | M | Ardor | Welsh |
Reeve | American | M | Steward | English |
Reeves | American | M | Son of Reeve | English |
Regan | American | F | Little ruler | Irish |
Reggie | American | M | Powerful ruler | English |
Regina | American | F | Queen | Latin |
Reginald | American | M | Powerful ruler | English |
Reid | American | M | Red hair or a ruddy complexion | Scottish |
Remi | American | M | From the raven farm | English |
Remington | American | M | From the raven farm | English |
Remo | American | M | From the raven farm | English |
Remy | American | M | From the raven farm | English |
Ren | American | M | Raven | English |
Rendall | American | M | Wolf's shield | English |
Rendell | American | M | Wolf's shield | English |
Rene | American | M | Reborn | French |
Renee | American | F | Reborn | French |
Renfield | American | M | From the raven's field | English |
Renfred | American | M | Peaceful raven | English |
Renfrid | American | M | Peaceful raven | English |
Renshaw | American | M | From the raven forest | English |
Renton | American | M | From the raven town | English |
Reve | American | M | Steward | English |
Rexford | American | M | King's ford | English |
Rexley | American | M | From the king's meadow | English |
Rexlord | American | M | From the king's ford | English |
Rexton | American | M | King's town | English |
Reyhurn | American | M | From the deer's stream | English |
Reynald | American | M | King's advisor | English |
Reynold | American | M | King's advisor | English |
Rheanna | American | F | Great queen | Welsh |
Rhodes | American | M | Garden of roses | Greek |
Rhonda | American | F | Rough island | Scandinavian |
Ricarda | American | F | Strong ruler | Spanish |
Ricardo | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | Spanish |
Rich | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | English |
Richard | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | English |
Richelle | American | F | Brave ruler | English |
Richman | American | M | Powerful | English |
Rick | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | English |
Rickard | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | Scandinavian |
Ricker | American | M | Strong army | English |
Rickey | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | English |
Rickie | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | English |
Rickman | American | M | Powerful | English |
Rickward | American | M | Strong guardian | English |
Ricky | American | M | Powerful ruler | German |
Ricman | American | M | Powerful | English |
Rider | American | M | Knight | English |
Ridere | American | M | Knight | English |
Ridge | American | M | From the ridge | English |
Ridgely | American | M | Lives at the meadow's ridge | English |
Ridley | American | M | From the red meadow | English |
Rigby | American | M | Lives in the ruler's valley | English |
Rigg | American | M | Lives near the ridge | English |
Riggs | American | M | Son of Rigg | English |
Rikkard | American | M | Rich and powerful ruler | Scandinavian |
Rikward | American | M | Strong guardian | English |
Riley | American | M | Dweller by the rye field | Old English |
Rilletta | American | F | Stream | German |
Rillette | American | F | Stream | German |
Ring | American | M | Ring | English |
Ripley | American | M | Meadow near the river | English |
Risley | American | M | From the brushwood meadow | English |
Riston | American | M | From the brushwood town | English |
River | American | M | Flowing water | French |
Roan | American | M | From the rowan tree | English |
Rob | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robb | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robbie | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robbin | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robby | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robert | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Roberta | American | F | Bright fame | Old English |
Robertia | American | F | Bright fame | English |
Roberto | American | M | Bright with fame | Spanish |
Robertson | American | M | Bright with fame | English |
Robin | American | M | Bright fame | English |
Robin | American | F | Bright fame | English |
Rock | American | M | Rock | English |
Rockford | American | M | Dweller by the rocky ford | English |
Rockland | American | M | Dweller by the rocky land | English |
Rockwell | American | M | Dweller by the rocky spring | English |
Rocky | American | M | Dweller by the rock | English |
Rod | American | M | Famous ruler | English |
Rodd | American | M | Famous ruler | English |
Roddric | American | M | Famous ruler | German |
Roddrick | American | M | Famous ruler | German |
Roddy | American | M | Famous ruler | English |
Roderic | American | M | Famous ruler | German |
Roderick | American | M | Famous ruler | German |
Roderik | American | M | Famous ruler | German |
Rodes | American | M | Garden of roses | Greek |
Rodman | American | M | Lives by the road | English |
Rodney | American | M | Island clearing | English |
Rodolfo | American | M | Famous wolf | Spanish |
Rodrigo | American | M | Famous ruler | Spanish |
Rodwell | American | M | Lives by the spring near the road | English |
Roe | American | M | Deer | English |
Rogelio | American | M | Famous warrior | Spanish |
Roger | American | M | Famous warrior | German |
Roland | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Rolando | American | M | Famous land | Spanish |
Rolf | American | M | Wolf councel | German |
Rolfe | American | M | Wolf councel | German |
Rollan | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Rolland | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Rollie | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Rollo | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Romeo | American | M | Pilgram to Rome | Italian |
Romney | American | M | Winding river | Welsh |
Ron | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronal | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronald | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronell | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronn | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronnell | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronnell | American | F | Ruler of judgment | Welsh |
Ronnie | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronny | American | M | Rules with good judgment | Scottish |
Ronson | American | M | Son of Ronald | Scottish |
Rook | American | M | Raven | English |
Roper | American | M | Maker of rope | English |
Rosa | American | F | Rose | Spanish |
Rosco | American | M | Deer forest | Scandinavian |
Roscoe | American | M | Deer forest | Scandinavian |
Rose | American | F | Flower | Latin |
Roseanne | American | F | Flower | English |
Rosemary | American | F | Bitter rose | English |
Ross | American | M | Red haired | French |
Rover | American | M | Wanderer | English |
Rovere | American | M | Wanderer | English |
Row | American | M | Red haired | English |
Rowan | American | M | From the rowan tree | English |
Rowdy | American | M | Boisterous | English |
Rowell | American | M | From the deer spring | English |
Rowland | American | M | Famous in the land | German |
Rowley | American | M | From the rough meadow | English |
Roxane | American | F | Dawn of day | Greek |
Roxbury | American | M | From the raven's fortress | English |
Roy | American | M | King | French |
Royce | American | M | Kingly | French |
Royden | American | M | From the rye hill | English |
Royse | American | M | Royal | English |
Ruben | American | M | Behold or a son | Hebrew |
Ruby | American | F | Reddish | Latin |
Rudd | American | M | Ruddy colored | English |
Ruddy | American | M | Ruddy colored | English |
Rudy | American | M | Famous wolf | English |
Rudyard | American | M | From the red enclosure | English |
Rufford | American | M | From the red ford | English |
Ruford | American | M | From the red ford | English |
Rugby | American | M | From the raven's forest | English |
Rumford | American | M | From the wide ford | English |
Rune | American | M | Secret | German |
Rush | American | M | Red haired | French |
Rushford | American | M | Lives near the rush ford | English |
Russ | American | M | Red haired | French |
Russel | American | M | Red haired | French |
Russell | American | M | Red haired | French |
Rusty | American | M | Red haired | French |
Ruth | American | F | Companion | Hebrew |
Rutherford | American | M | From the cattle ford | English |
Rutledge | American | M | From the red pool | English |
Rutley | American | M | From the red meadow | English |
Ryan | American | M | Little king | Irish |
Rycroft | American | M | From the rye field | English |
Ryder | American | M | Knight | English |
Rydge | American | M | From the ridge | English |
Rye | American | M | Island meadow | English |
Rylan | American | M | Island meadow | Irish |
Ryland | American | M | Island meadow | Irish |
Ryleigh | American | M | Island meadow | Irish |
Ryley | American | M | Island meadow | Irish |
Ryman | American | M | Rye merchant | English |
Ryton | American | M | From the rye farm | English |
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Monday, August 18, 2008
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