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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Mable American F Lovable Latin
Mace American M Weapon English
Maci American F Weapon French
Macie American F Weapon French
MacKenzie American F Fair one or handsome Irish
MacKenzie American M Fair one or handsome Irish
Macy American F Weapon French
Maddie American F Woman from Magdala English
Madeleine American F From the high tower French
Madelena American F From the high tower Greek
Madelene American F From the high tower Greek
Madison American F Mighty in battle English
Madison American M Mighty in battle English
Madra American F Mother Spanish
Madre American F Mother Spanish
Mady American F From the high tower English
Maggi American F A pearl Greek
Maggie American F A pearl Greek
Maggy American F A pearl Greek
Maida American F Maiden English
Maidel American F Maiden English
Maidie American F Maiden English
Maisie American F Pearl Scottish
Maitane American F Dearly loved Spanish
Maite American F Dearly loved Spanish
Maitena American F Dearly loved Spanish
Makayla American F Who is like God Hebrew
Malachi American M Messenger of God Hebrew
Malcolm American M Servant Scottish
Malik American M Master or sovereign Arabic
Malin American M Little warrior English
Malinda American F Blend of Melissa and Linda American
Mallory American F Unfortunate or unlucky French
Malvin American M Armored chief or ruler Irish
Malvyn American M Armored chief or ruler Irish
Malyn American M Little warrior Unknown
Mamie American F Sea of bitterness English
Manda American F Lovable Latin
Mandalyn American F Lovable Latin
Mandi American F Lovable Latin
Mandie American F Lovable Latin
Mandy American F Lovable Latin
Manfred American M Man of peace or peaceful English
Manfrid American M Man of peace or peaceful English
Manley American M From the hero's meadow English
Manly American M From the hero's meadow English
Mann American M Hero English
Manning American M Son of a hero English
Mansfield American M From the field by the small river English
Manton American M From the hero's town English
Manuel American M God is with us Hebrew
Mara American F Eternally beautiful Greek
Maralyn American F Beautiful waterfall American
Marcia American F Warlike Latin
Marco American M Warlike Italian
Marcos American M Warlike Spanish
Marcus American M Warlike Latin
Marcy American F Warlike English
Mardel American M Surname used as a given name Unknown
Marden American M From the valley with the pool Unknown
Mardon American M From the valley with the pool Unknown
Maree American F Bitter or sea of bitterness French
Mareesa American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marek American M Warlike Slavic
Margaret American F Pearl Greek
Margerie American F Pearl French
Maria American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Mariah American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marianne American F Bitter or sea of bitterness French
Marie American F Bitter or sea of bitterness French
Mariel American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Dutch
Marigold American F Mary's gold English
Marilyn American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marilynn American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marina American F Sea maiden Latin
Mario American M Of the sea or sailor Italian
Marisa American F Of the sea Latin
Marise American F Of the sea Latin
Marisol American F Sunny sea Spanish
Marissa American F Of the sea Latin
Marji American F Pearl French
Marjo American F Pearl French
Mark American M Warlike Latin
Marla American F From the high tower English
Marlaina American F From the high tower Greek
Marlan American M Falcon English
Marlana American F From the high tower English
Marland American M Lake land English
Marlayna American F From the high tower German
Marlayne American F From the high tower Greek
Marleen American F From the high tower Greek
Marleena American F From the high tower German
Marleene American F From the high tower Greek
Marleigh American F From the lake meadow English
Marleina American F From the high tower Greek
Marlena American F From the high tower German
Marlene American F From the high tower Greek
Marlenne American F From the high tower Greek
Marley American F From the lake meadow English
Marley American M From the lake meadow English
Marlin American M Falcon English
Marlin American F Falcon English
Marlina American F From the high tower German
Marlinda American F From the high tower German
Marline American F From the high tower Greek
Marlisa American F Bitter English
Marliss American F Bitter English
Marlon American M Falcon French
Marlow American M From the hill by the lake English
Marlowe American M From the hill by the lake English
Marlowe American F Bitter English
Marly American M From the lake meadow English
Marlyn American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marlynn American F Bitter or sea of bitterness Hebrew
Marlys American F Bitter English
Marlyssa American F Bitter English
Marquis American M Nobleman French
Marschall American M Steward French
Marsden American M From the marsh valley English
Marsh American M From the marsh English
Marsha American F Warlike Latin
Marshal American M Steward French
Marshall American M Steward French
Marsten American M Town near the marsh English
Marston American M Town near the marsh English
Martha American F Sorrow Arabic
Martin American M Warlike Latin
Marty American M War like Latin
Martyn American M War like Latin
Marven American M Lover of the sea English
Marvin American M Lover of the sea English
Marvyn American M Lover of the sea Irish
Marwin American M Lover of the sea Irish
Marwood American M From the lake forest English
Mary American F Sea of bitterness Hebrew
Maryan American F Sea of bitterness English
Maryann American F Sea of bitterness English
Maryanna American F Sea of bitterness English
Marybell American F Sea of bitterness English
Maryjo American F Sea of bitterness English
Marylin American F Sea of bitterness English
Marylu American F Sea of bitterness English
Marylyn American F Sea of bitterness English
Marylynn American F Sea of bitterness English
Maryon American F Sea of bitterness English
Mateo American M Gift of God Spanish
Mather American M Powerful army English
Matherson American M Son of Mather English
Mathew American M Gift of God Hebrew
Matt American M Gift from God Hebrew
Matthew American M Gift from God Hebrew
Matthias American M Gift from God Hebrew
Maurice American M Dark skinned Latin
Mauricio American M Dark skinned Spanish
Maverick American M Unbranded American
Mavis American F Joy French
Mavrick American M Unbranded American
Max American M By the great stream Scottish
Maxfield American M Field belonging to Mack English
Maxie American F The greatest Latin
Maximilian American M The greatest Latin
Maximilian American M The greatest Latin
Maximillian American M The greatest Latin
Maximus American M The greatest Latin
Maxine American F The greatest Latin
Maxwell American M Dweller by the spring Scottish
May American F To increase Latin
Maya American F Industrious Latin
Mayda American F Maiden English
Mayde American F Maiden English
Mayer American M Headman or mayor English
Mayme American F Sea of bitterness English
McKenna American F Ascend Gaelic
Mead American M From the meadow Old English
Meade American M From the meadow Old English
Meadow American F A clearing Old English
Medwin American M Faithful friend English
Medwine American M Faithful friend English
Medwyn American M Faithful friend English
Megan American F Pearl Irish
Mel American M Friend English
Melanie American F Dark skinned Greek
Melborn American M From the mill stream English
Melbourne American M From the mill stream English
Melburn American M From the mill stream English
Melbyrne American M From the mill stream English
Meldon American M From the hillside mill English
Meldrick American M From the powerful mill English
Meldrik American M From the powerful mill English
Meldryk American M From the powerful mill English
Melina American F Canary yellow Latin
Melinda American F Honey Greek
Melissa American F A bee English
Melody American F Melody or song Greek
Melva American F Armored ruler Irish
Melvin American M Council or protector Old English
Melvina American F Handmaiden Irish
Melvon American M Armored chief Irish
Melvyn American M Armored chief Irish
Melynda American F Honey Greek
Mercedes American F Mercy or merciful Spanish
Mercer American F Merchant English
Mercer American M Merchant English
Mercia American F Compassion English
Mercie American F Compassion English
Mercilla American F Compassion English
Mercina American F Compassion Spanish
Mercy American F Compassion English
Meredith American F Protector of the sea Welsh
Meri American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Meridel American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Meriel American F Shining sea Irish
Merlow American M From the hill by the lake English
Merri American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Merrie American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Merril American M Shining sea Irish
Merrilee American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Merrill American M Shining sea Irish
Merritt American M Deserving Latin
Merry American F Cheerful or light hearted English
Mertice American F Famous Unknown
Mertise American F Famous Unknown
Merton American M From the town by the lake English
Mertysa American F Famous Unknown
Mervin American M Lover of the sea Irish
Mervyn American M Lover of the sea Irish
Merwyn American M Lover of the sea Irish
Mia American F Wished for child Hebrew
Micaela American F Who is like God Hebrew
Micah American M Who is like God Hebrew
Michael American M Who is like God Hebrew
Michaela American F Who is like God Hebrew
Michelle American F Who is like God French
Mick American M Who is like God Irish
Mickey American M Who is like God Irish
Miguel American M Who is like God Spanish
Mika American F Who is like God Russian
Mikaela American F Who is like God Hebrew
Mikayla American F Who is like God Hebrew
Mike American M Who is like God Hebrew
Mikella American F Who is like God Hebrew
Mikelle American F Who is like God Hebrew
Mikki American F Who is like God Hebrew
Mikko American F Who is like God Scandinavian
Milburn American M From the mill stream English
Milbyrne American M From the mill stream English
Mildred American F Gentle advisor Old English
Mildrid American F Gentle advisor Old English
Mildryd American F Gentle advisor Old English
Miles American M Merciful German
Milford American M From the mill by the ford English
Millard American M One who grinds grain Latin
Millen American M One who grinds grain English
Miller American M One who grinds grain English
Milo American M Merciful German
Milton American M Settlement or town Old English
Milward American M Keeper of the mill English
Mindie American F Honey Greek
Mindy American F Honey Greek
Mira American F Admirable Latin
Miracle American F An amazing wonder Latin
Miranda American F To be admired Latin
Miriam American F Sea of bitterness Hebrew
Misti American F Foggy Old English
Mistie American F Foggy Old English
Misty American F Foggy Old English
Mitch American M Who is like God Old English
Mitchell American M Who is like God Old English
Mohammed American M Praiseworthy Arabic
Molli American F Bitter Irish
Mollie American F Bitter Irish
Molly American F Bitter Irish
Monica American F Advisor Latin
Monique American F Adviser French
Montana American F Mountainous Spanish
Monte American M From the wealthy man's mountain Old English
Montgomery American M From the wealthy man's mountain Old English
Montie American M From the wealthy man's mountain Old English
Monty American M From the wealthy man's mountain English
Mordred American M Painful Latin
More American M From the moors English
Moreland American M Marshland English
Moreley American M Meadow by the moor English
Morgan American M Sea warrior Scottish
Morgan American F Bright Sea Welsh
Moriah American F Jehovah is my teacher Hebrew
Morland American M Wet land English
Morlee American M Meadow by the moor English
Morly American M Meadow by the moor English
Morrey American M Dark skinned Latin
Morrie American M Dark skinned Latin
Morris American M Son of More Latin
Morrisey American M Son of More English
Morse American M Dark skinned English
Morton American M From the farm near the moor Old English
Moses American M Drawn out of the water Hebrew
Moss American M Drawn out of the water English
Mya American F Emerald Burmese
Mychaela American F Who is like God Hebrew
Myla American F Merciful English
Myleen American F Dark Greek
Myles American M Merciful German
Mylo American M Merciful German
Myra American F Sweet ointment Latin
Mystee American F Foggy Old English
Mysti American F Foggy Old English

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