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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Udale American M From the yew tree valley English
Udall American M From the yew tree valley English
Udayle American M From the yew tree valley English
Udell American M From the yew tree valley English
Udolf American M Wealthy wolf English
Udolph American M Wealthy wolf German
Ulfred American M Wolf of peace German
Ulger American M Wolf spear German
Ullock American M Wolf sport German
Ullok American M Wolf sport German
Ulmar American M Wolf famous English
Ulmarr American M Wolf famous English
Ulysses American M Wrathful Greek
Una American F United Latin
Unique American F One of a kind Latin
Unity American F Harmonious Latin
Unwin American M Unfriendly English
Unwine American M Unfriendly English
Urban American M City dweller or from the city Latin
Uriah American M God is my light Hebrew
Uriel American M God is my light Hebrew
Ursula American F Little female bear Latin

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