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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Nadia American F Hope Russian
Nadine American F Hopeful Russian
Nan American F Full of grace English
Nancey American F Full of grace English
Nanci American F Full of grace English
Nancie American F Full of grace English
Nancy American F Full of grace English
Nann American F Full of grace English
Naomi American F Beautiful Hebrew
Napier American M New city Spanish
Nara American F Happy Greek
Natalia American F Born at Christmas Latin
Natalie American F Born at Christmas Latin
Nathan American M Gift from God Hebrew
Nathaniel American M Gift of God Latin
Neal American M Champion Irish
Nearra American F Happy Greek
Ned American M Prosperous guardian English
Neda American F Wealthy guardian Slavic
Nedda American F Prosperous Guardian English
Nedra American F Prosperous Guardian English
Neelie American F Champion Irish
Neely American F Champion Irish
Neil American M Champion Irish
Neila American F Champion Irish
Nelda American F By the alder tree Unknown
Nell American F Shining light Greek
Nella American F Shining light Greek
Nellie American F Shining light Greek
Nellwyn American F Bright friend English
Nelly American F Shining light Greek
Nels American M Victory of the people Norwegian
Nelson American M Son of Neil English
Nelwin American F Bright friend English
Nelwina American F Bright friend English
Nelwyna American F Bright friend English
Netty American F Name ending English
Nevada American F Snowy Spanish
Neville American M New village French
Newell American M From the new hall English
Newland American M Lives on the new land English
Newman American M Newcomer English
Newton American M From the new farm English
Nia American F Female champion Irish
Niall American M Champion Irish
Nichele American F Blend of Nichole and Michelle American
Nicholas American M Victory of the people Greek
Nick American M Victory of the people Greek
Nicki American F Victory of the people French
Nickie American F Victory of the people French
Nickson American M Victory of the people Greek
Nicky American M Victory of the people Greek
Nico American M Victory of the people Greek
Nicol American M Victory of the people French
Nicole American F Victory of the people French
Nicolette American F Victory of the people French
Nicson American M Son of Nick English
Nigel American M Dark cloud Latin
Nikki American M Victory of the people Greek
Nikki American F Victory of the people French
Nikkie American F Victory of the people French
Nikko American M Victory of the people Greek
Niko American M Victory of the people Greek
Nikos American M Victory of the people Greek
Nikson American M Son of Nick English
Niles American M Champion English
Nina American F Full of grace Russian
Nixen American M Son of Nick English
Nixon American M Son of Nick English
Noah American M Rest or comfort Hebrew
Noe American M Rest or comfort French
Noel American M Christmas French
Noel American F Christmas French
Nolan American M Noble Irish
Nolene American F Noble Unknown
Nora American F Bright torch Greek
Norabel American F Honor Greek
Norbert American M Brilliant hero Scandinavian
Norberto American M Brilliant hero Scandinavian
Norcross American M From the north cross roads Unknown
Norman American M From the north French
Normand American M From the north French
Norris American M Northerner French
Nortin American M From the northtown English
Norton American M From the north yown English
Norvin American M Friend from the north English
Norvyn American M Friend from the north English
Norward American M Northern guardian English
Norwel American M From the north spring English
Norwell American M From the north spring English
Norwin American M Friend of the north English
Norwood American M From the north forest English
Norwyn American M Friend from the north English
Nye American M Dark night English
Nygel American M Dark night English
Nykko American M Victory of the people Latin
Nyle American M Champion Irish
Nyles American M Champion Irish

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