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Monday, August 18, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Pablo American M Small Spanish
Paige American F Attendant French
Paine American M Pagan English
Palmer American M Bearing a palm branch English
Palmere American M Pilgrim English
Paloma American F Dove Spanish
Pamela American F Sweet Old English
Paris American F Lover Greek
Paris American M Lover Greek
Parish American M Lives near the church French
Park American M Of the forest English
Parke American M Of the forest English
Parker American M Gamekeeper English
Parkin American M Little rock English
Parkins American M Son of Parkin English
Parkinson American M Son of Parkin English
Parle American M Little rock French
Parnall American M Little rock French
Parnel American M Little rock French
Parnell American M Little rock French
Parr American M From the cattle enclosure English
Parrish American M Lives near the church French
Pat American M Patrician or noble Irish
Patience American F To endure Latin
Paton American M Warrior's town Old English
Patricia American F Noble Latin
Patrick American M Nobleman Latin
Patten American M Warrior's town Old English
Pattin American M Warrior's town Old English
Patton American M Warrior's town Old English
Paul American M Small Latin
Paula American F Small Latin
Paulette American F Small Latin
Paulina American F Small Latin
Paulson American M Little son Latin
Pax American M Peaceful Latin
Pax American F Peaceful Latin
Paxton American M Peaceful town Latin
Paxtun American M Peaceful town Latin
Payden American M From the fighter's farm English
Payne American M Pagan Latin
Payton American M A town or village Old English
Payton American F Noble woman Irish
Peace American F Peaceful English
Pearce American M Rock English
Pearl American F Pearl Latin
Pearson American M Son of Pierce English
Pedro American M Rock Spanish
Peirce American M Rock English
Pell American M Parchment English
Pelltun American M From the pool town English
Pemton American M From the pool town English
Penelope American F Weaver Greek
Penleigh American M From the enclosed meadow English
Penley American M From the enclosed meadow English
Penn American M From the enclosure English
Penny American F Bobbin worker Greek
Penton American M From the enclosed town English
Perceval American M Pierces French
Percival American M Pierces French
Percy American M Pierces French
Perkin American M Little rock English
Perkins American M Son of Perkin English
Perkinson American M Son of Perkin English
Perla American F Pearl Latin
Pernel American M Little rock French
Pernell American M Little rock French
Perry American M Dweller by the pear tree English
Perye American M From the pear tree English
Pete American M Rock English
Peter American M Rock Latin
Peterson American M Rock Latin
Peyton American M Warrior's town Old English
Phelps American M Son of Philip English
Phil American M Lover of horses Latin
Philberta American F Brilliant Unknown
Philip American M Lover of horses Latin
Philips American M Son of Philip Latin
Phillip American M Lover of horses Greek
Phillips American M Son of Philip Greek
Phoebe American F Bright one Greek
Phoenix American M Bright or red Greek
Picford American M From the woodcutter's ford English
Pickford American M From the woodcutter's ford English
Pickworth American M From the woodcutter's estate English
Pierce American M Rock French
Pierrel American M Little rock French
Piers American M Lover of horses English
Pierson American M Lover of horses English
Piper American F Piper English
Pipere American F Piper English
Pitney American M From the Preserving land English
Pollock American M Crown Greek
Poppy American F Flower Latin
Precious American F Highly valued Latin
Prentice American M Apprentice or learner English
Prentiss American M Apprentice or learner English
Prescot American M Priest's cottage English
Prescott American M Priest's cottage English
Presley American M From the priest's meadow Old English
Prestin American M From the Priest's town Old English
Preston American M The priest's village Old English
Priestly American M From the priest's meadow English
Prince American M Prince Latin
Princess American F Daughter of royalty Old English
Princeton American M Prince's town Old English
Prior American M Head of the priory Latin
Priscilla American F Primitive Latin
Pryor American M Head of the priory Latin
Ptolemy American M Warlike Greek
Putnam American M Dweller by the pond English

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